Response-2000 questions & answers

An utility designed to calculate the strength of traditional columns and more
Question by giovanna caracciolo
October 12, 2012

Recently it appeared to crash very easily with loss of data. Essentially if I define a section and work on it and try to change the reinforcement or other parameters everything crashes and shut down. This is a major issue for us as when it happens we have to re-define the section from scratch which is very time consuming (some section are quite complex). Could you please help us to understand how we can fix this. We have a very tight program therefore and a prompt response would be very much appreciated.

Answer by Aiden McLeod

To solve your problem, you can try to use Google to find, download and run: 50COMUPD.EXE file which may resolve your problem. Also, you can check the developer's official support web-page for more bugs and fixes regarding this software.

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